Sunday, August 12, 2012


Well, I now know one thing. I'm terrible at blogging. I even forgot that I had one until my father told me that I should post the pictures that I took of my grandparents beautiful flowers on facebook. But, I reminded him I could just put them on my blog... 
Oh yeah, my blog. 
Well anyways, I really wanted to share these with my family and especially my grandfather. He has the most BEAUTIFUL garden I have ever seen! It has so many amazing flower, one's I've never seen of or heard of before, and it's a shame that they go unnoticed! So, before we left my grandparents's farm in Canada, I decided I would take pictures of the beautiful flowers because I love taking pictures of flowers! That has been my favorite thing to photograph ever since I started doing photography. 

The cool thing about these flowers are that most of them are really bright! Sure I messed with contrast and levels and such in photoshop but I didn't really have to do much when I went through to edit them beside fix the lighting. However, on the pink one's I dulled the colors a bit and gave the leave a blue "ish" tint. OH! That second to last flower, as BIG AS YOUR HEAD! The thing is MASSIVE! Loved it!