Sunday, January 29, 2012


..Oh my goodness. I feel like such a failure. I make a blog, and then forget about it for a straight week.
Any-hoo! Here is how I make up for that! This little slide show that I posted was for an English project I did at school. We were learning about Thoreau and we had to do a project at the end of the term. So, I decided to take pictures of what I found beauty in, and stick them into a slide show. I have to admit.. working on the project for hours on end for two days was not fun.. MASSIVE headache. However, I had a lot of fun taking all these pictures. My favorite picture in this is the one of my little brother. It makes me laugh so hard and I love when he gives me that cute, toothless smile. My families favorite is the one with the globe. Now, I'll be honest.. that picture was pure luck!! I have no idea how on earth I got the glare like that, but it was pretty awesome. Another one that turned out pretty well was the one of me writing. I didn't have any ones hand to use so I had to use my own and take the picture with one hand. That was quite the challenge because that camera is kinda heavy.. :)
Well, enjoy the slide show and if you have any questions on how I took the pictures, feel free to ask! 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

So, this is my first post. How exciting! Any-hoo, this is my photography blog.. 
yes, I know, there are no photos yet. BUT! That will change! Well, I guess there is one picture and it's my background. I've spent all night customizing my blog and haven't really gotten around to posting anything quite yet. This is just my hello. 
 The reason I thought of creating a photography blog was because one, I love it. I've never been too great at expressing myself through words so I thought; hey, I'm an artistic person, why not express myself that way instead? And two, I think it would be a fun thing to minor in college. I want to major in the medical field but that's a lot of schooling and I need an outlet ;) I thought about photography being my major, but I don't want my hobby to become my profession.. I'd get sick of it. 
Well, when I do get some photos up, I hope you'll enjoy them and give me an opinion on what you like, don't like or possibly ideas or what I could do better or even if there is something you would like to see! Thanks!
-Shain :)